Nephrology7 Videos

Proteinuria Uncovered- What Your Body’s Trying to Tell You

Classification and characterization of proteinuria types   Classification of proteinuria Clinical setting Typical level of proteinuria in adults Predominant protein type Transient proteinuria Fever, heavy exercise, vasopressor infusion, albumin infusion <1 g/day Albumin Persistent proteinuria – orthostatic proteinuria Uncommon over age 30 years, may occur in 2 to 5% of adolescents <1 to 2 g/day […]

Non-surgical Approach to Kidney Stones

Surgical management of kidney and ureteral stones The overall goals of surgical stone management are relief of patient discomfort, clearance of infection, and reversal of kidney function impairment associated with kidney or ureteral stones. Important outcomes that should be discussed with patients when deciding upon surgery include treatment success (ie, stone-free rate [SFR]), risk of […]

Kidney Stones Symptoms and Treatments

acute management Most patients with acute renal colic can be managed conservatively with pain medication and hydration until the stone passes. Patients can be managed at home if they are able to take oral medications and fluids. Hospitalization is required for those who cannot tolerate oral intake or who have uncontrollable pain or fever. •Urologic consultation […]

Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis)

Uric acid nephrolithiasis ●Epidemiology Uric acid stones account for 5 to 10 percent of all kidney stones in the United States and Europe; however, they comprise 40 percent or more of stones in areas with hot, arid climates. ●Pathogenesis The most important biochemical risk factor for uric acid nephrolithiasis is a persistently low urine pH. […]

How to Treat Kidney Stones

Eighty percent of patients with kidney stone disease (nephrolithiasis) form calcium stones. The other main types include uric acid, struvite and cystine stones. Individual stones may contain more than one type. ●Clinical manifestations Although stones may pass asymptomatically, symptoms may occur when stones pass. The most common symptoms and signs are pain (renal colic or […]