Anatomy66 Videos

Understanding Psoriasis

Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis Overview Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease that has also been identified as a multisystem inflammatory disorder associated with multiple comorbidities. Epidemiology Psoriasis affects males and females equally. Psoriasis can begin at any age; however, onset during adulthood is most frequent.  Pathophysiology Psoriasis is a complex immune-mediated disease. […]

Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis)

Uric acid nephrolithiasis ●Epidemiology Uric acid stones account for 5 to 10 percent of all kidney stones in the United States and Europe; however, they comprise 40 percent or more of stones in areas with hot, arid climates. ●Pathogenesis The most important biochemical risk factor for uric acid nephrolithiasis is a persistently low urine pH. […]

Gallbladder – Definition, Function Location – Human Anatomy

nonsurgical management of gallbladder stones ●The majority of patients with asymptomatic (incidental) gallstones do not require treatment. Patients with symptomatic gallstone disease or those at high risk for developing symptomatic gallstone disease, but are unable or unwilling to undergo cholecystectomy, may be candidates for nonsurgical management. ●Gallstones are composed of a mixture of cholesterol, calcium […]

What is a seizure؟

Evaluation and management of the first seizure in adults   ●Goals of evaluation The primary objectives of the medical evaluation of the first seizure are to establish whether the event was a seizure, and if so, whether it resulted from a correctable systemic process or whether the patient is at risk for developing further unprovoked […]


Pathophysiology of plaque psoriasis ●Psoriasis is a complex immune-mediated disorder that presents as inflammatory plaques in the skin. Dysregulation or alteration of components of the innate and adaptive immune systems, keratinocyte function, and vascular structure contribute to the manifestations of this disease. ●Plasmacytoid and myeloid dendritic cells are key contributors to development of inflammation in […]

Kidney Stones Symptoms and Treatments

acute management Most patients with acute renal colic can be managed conservatively with pain medication and hydration until the stone passes. Patients can be managed at home if they are able to take oral medications and fluids. Hospitalization is required for those who cannot tolerate oral intake or who have uncontrollable pain or fever. •Urologic consultation […]