Eyes16 Videos

Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis

THERAPY Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis •Most patients do not require antibiotics With some exceptions, antibiotic treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is NOT required because the course is usually self-limited. However, because topical antibiotics may shorten the clinical course, the choice of whether to use antibiotics for the treatment of acute bacterial conjunctivitis is driven by patient preferences (for […]

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis   INTRODUCTION Conjunctivitis is a common diagnosis in patients who complain of a red eye. It is usually a benign or self-limited condition, or one that is easily treated. Other causes of red eye are discussed elsewhere. This topic will review the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of conjunctivitis. Other conditions which may be […]

Conjunctivitis- symptoms and treatment for red, itchy, watery eyes

The red eye: Evaluation and management “Red eye” is a common presenting complaint in ambulatory practice. A small percentage of patients with red eye need urgent ophthalmological referral and treatment, but the vast majority can be treated by the primary care clinician. Conjunctivitis (allergic or viral) is probably the most common cause of red eye […]